Thank you Truckers for Driving Us Forward During The Coronavirus Crisis
As we continue to feel uncertainty and adapt to altered daily lives caused by Coronavirus in America, there is one thing that is for certain. Trucking companies are stepping up and making heroic efforts to keep shelves in grocery stores stocked. This includes items such as food, cleaning supplies, and other necessities.
There is no doubt that with the increased demands of supplies, truckers are still keeping pace with the evolving supply chain. Because people are adhering to COVID-19 protocols, there is less traffic on our roads and highways, creating a safer situation for truck drivers. Although the roads and highways may have less traffic, you may notice it is difficult for them to dine in many restaurants, use amenities such as workout facilities, or simply get coffee from coffee shops.

Although our grocery stores continue to have food and products that families need, it is a result of all of our truckers who are continuously protecting our supply chain.

It's times like these when we need to help each other and build a community. We should spread kindness to our truckers for performing critical functions to keep America forward. Some ways we can spread gratitude could be writing thank-you notes, providing free lunches, offering them cleaning supplies, or giving them a shoutout through social media.
To our truckers, thank you. Thank you for your dedication to keep American citizens safe during this time of crisis. Your selflessness in these times of crisis is truly inspiring, and not forgotten.
Looking for ways to cook fresh, delicious meals in your rig? Did you know there are 6 Types of Truck Driver Cooking Equipment That Will Make Your Life Easier?