Government Procurement
Whether you represent a Military, Federal, State, or Local agency, we can make your buying experience quick and easy. You’ll have a dedicated account representative that can help you find what you need and provide any necessary information. With thousands of products in stock and ready to ship, as well as custom capabilities, we can get your products to you fast.
Have questions or need bulk pricing? Give us a call at 866-444-9990 or email us. We’re happy to help!
US Cargo Control is a leader in the cargo control industry, specializing in cargo control, lifting slings, rigging equipment and moving supplies. With growing product offerings and a focus on innovation, the company is committed to offering quality products, timely delivery, and an excellent customer experience. Expanding manufacturing capabilities and custom options further ensure customers get what they want, when they need it.
US Cargo Control’s parent company, Clickstop, is a fast-growing business with more than 215 employees in the office, manufacturing, and warehouse facilities. Based in the Midwest, our geographical area is mainly the continental United States and Canada, however we serve people and companies world-wide. Clickstop owns a suite of brands including its flagship, US Cargo Control, as well as Fasteners Plus, EcoFoil, TeamStrap, Pepper Joe’s and Clean Laundry Licensing Company.
Past Performance
- United States Coast Guard
- United States Army
- United States Air Force
- United States Navy
- United States Postal Service
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- Bureau of Land Management
- Defense Logistics Agency
Company Info
- Cage Code: 4TCQ5
- Duns: 791967032
- NAICS: 314999, 454111, 314910, 314994, 332510, 332618, 332722, 332999, 333924, 423120, 423710, 423830, 423860
- PSC: 5340, 3990, 4010, 4020, 4030, 8305, 8340, 3940, 9999
- Custom products available
- Manufacturing facility in Urbana, Iowa
- Order fulfillment average accuracy: 99%+
- Large catalog of readily-available products
- Delivery of most stock items within 1-3 days
- Accepts credit cards, purchase cards, and payment terms
Trade Memberships
- WSTDA: Web Sling & Tie Down Association
- AWRF: Associated Wire Rope Fabricators
- SC&RA: Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association
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