Grade 70 Transport Chain: Specifications, Sizes, Safety Tips, and Attachments
Transport chain is essential if you plan to haul heavy duty cargo or equipment. Grade 70 chain is the ideal transport chain since it’s made with carbon steel that’s heat treated to create additional strength.
When purchasing Grade 70 chain, look for these specifications:
- Meets or exceeds safety regulations set by the Department of Transportation (DOT).
- Meets or exceeds safety regulations set by the National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM).
- Chains and attachments such as clevis hooks should be stamped with a “G70” for easy identification.
Chain Sizes
Short link transport chain is generally available in three widths: 3/8", 5/16", and 1/2" widths, Lengths are usually anywhere from 16 to 25 feet. If your job requires a direct ratchet connection, an 18" chain connection is generally a good choice.
Safety tips for using transport chain:
- Do not exceed specified working load limits of the chain and accessories.
- Inspect chain before each use to look for any visible signs of damage or wear to the links.
- Inspect attachment points and any hook or other attachments for signs of wear.
- Always calculate the number of chains needed to transport your cargo safely.
Transport Chain Attachments and Accessories
- Transport chain drum. If you’ll be using heavy transport chain regularly, invest in a transport chain drum. It’s designed just for storing Grade 70 chain and makes it easy to store when not in use.
- Chain binders. A devise to tension chain. For more information, see our chain binders article about ratchet chain binders and lever chain binders.
- Clevis hooks. Popular clevis hook styles include a clevis grab hook (shallow throat for secure connections), clevis slip hook (wider throat then a grab hook) and clevis slip hook with latch (wider throat with a safety latch).
- Floor chain tie downs. Available in either a bolt-on floor chain tie down style or a weld-on floor chain tie down style. Self-storing design so they store away flush under the trailer deck when not in use.