Proof that Truckers are the Backbone of America (with infographics)
September 9th - September 15th, 2018 is National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Here's why it's so important to show your appreciation all year long.
Imagine waking up to no coffee, milk, or juice. Trying to get to work with no gas in your car. And going to sleep with no blankets, pillows, or pajamas. The fridge is continually empty and there's not a single pen or piece of paper around to make a grocery list.
Even if there was, store shelves sit empty. Hospitals are without medicine, and assembly lines have no parts or raw materials. No, it's not a zombie apocalypse. It's what would happen if we had no truck drivers and it would happen faster than you think.

Luckily we don't have to face these challenges in America. Why?
Because we have millions of dedicated truck drivers who drive billions of miles each year to deliver just about every good imaginable. Day in and day out they sacrifice time with their families and the comforts of home to make sure our families have everything they need. And what do they get in return?
Well, most commonly they get less-than-friendly gestures from fellow roadway regulars when they switch into the left lane. And trust me, I get it. When you're hauling down the highway it's easy to not think about the fact most big rigs are speed governed to go only 60 to 65mph (which means passing a fellow truck driver isn't so quick and easy).
Or that once a truck reaches an incline their heavy cargo loads start to play a huge factor in their speed and acceleration. And I definitely don't know what it's like to be strictly limited to 11 hours of driving in a 14-hour period. All this while still having a tight delivery deadline someplace thousands of miles away.
My point is it's easy to not think about all this as a regular driver but, for truck drivers, it's a daily reality. Still not sold on the fact that truckers are the backbone of America? Then take a look at these infographics that show the undeniable impact of trucking:

US Cargo Control Appreciates Truck Drivers
We proudly support truck drivers all year long by providing them with quality cargo control equipment including ratchet straps, flatbed trailer products, and more. If we don't carry a product you need, we go out of our way to get you what you want, when you need it.
We also share helpful tips with our email subscribers and through this blog. For more insight into US Cargo Control and our dedicated efforts to serve truck drivers, check out our LinkedIn page and Facebook page. Here is an example of a recent video that we created for Trucker Appreciation Week: