A trusted source for tie-down tips, lifting and rigging safety information, and more.
Federal Law Relaxes HOS 34-hour Reset Rules
It’s been about two month since President Obama signed a bill that suspended portions of the federal Hours of Service, or HOS, requirements. Truckers still can’t drive more than 60/70...
Federal Law Relaxes HOS 34-hour Reset Rules
It’s been about two month since President Obama signed a bill that suspended portions of the federal Hours of Service, or HOS, requirements. Truckers still can’t drive more than 60/70...
Winter Weather: Be Aware and Prepared
A trucker talks about the tool she uses to stay safe in winter weather.
Winter Weather: Be Aware and Prepared
A trucker talks about the tool she uses to stay safe in winter weather.
Taking a Shot at Hot Shot Trucking
A unique type of trucking is catching on. Hot Shot Trucking: Where a pickup pulls a flatbed instead of using a traditional semi-trailer truck.
Taking a Shot at Hot Shot Trucking
A unique type of trucking is catching on. Hot Shot Trucking: Where a pickup pulls a flatbed instead of using a traditional semi-trailer truck.
Customer photos: Hot Shot Rig Equipment
A huge thanks for our USCC customer Marc for all of these great pics he sends us of his Hot Shot Rig equipment from US Cargo Control!
Customer photos: Hot Shot Rig Equipment
A huge thanks for our USCC customer Marc for all of these great pics he sends us of his Hot Shot Rig equipment from US Cargo Control!
How to Clean a Truck Tarp
It’s that time of year again when road grime from salt, sand and slushy roads starts accumulating beneath your truck and trailer. And unfortunately, tarps often bear the brunt of the...
How to Clean a Truck Tarp
It’s that time of year again when road grime from salt, sand and slushy roads starts accumulating beneath your truck and trailer. And unfortunately, tarps often bear the brunt of the...
US Cargo Control Employee Bio: Dean
As a Team Lead in our Manufacturing department, Dean and his US Cargo Control manufacturing team have been instrumental in our growth over the last year.
US Cargo Control Employee Bio: Dean
As a Team Lead in our Manufacturing department, Dean and his US Cargo Control manufacturing team have been instrumental in our growth over the last year.