Grade 80 Bulk Chain

6 products

    • Working Load Limit: 3,500 lbs.
    starting at
    Ships in 1-3 business days.
    • Working Load Limit: 4,500 lbs.
    starting at
    • Working Load Limit: 7,100 lbs.
    starting at
    Ships in 1-3 business days.
    • Working Load Limit: 12,000 lbs.
    starting at
    Ships in 1-3 business days.
    • Working Load Limit: 18,100 lbs.
    starting at
    Ships in 1-3 business days.
    • Working Load Limit: 28,300 lbs.
    starting at
    Ships in 1-3 business days.

Grade 80 chain offers superior strength that's approved for overhead lifting. It gets its strength and abrasion-resistant properties from the heat treating of the alloy steel.

Our grade 80 bulk chain is European made by KWB, a Pewag company. They're tested throughout the entire manufacturing process to ensure all chains meet or exceed the specifications of NACM, ASTM, and OSHA.

Bulk quantities are available by the drum, by the half drum, or in lengths by the foot, with no minimum lengths or quantities required.

Need grade 80 fittings for your grade 80 cut alloy chain? Give our sales team a call and they'll get you what you need. We also offer a full line of Grade 80 Lifting Slings, hammerlocks, and other lifting products. All of our industrial chain products can be customized as needed, give us a call for more information.

Chain Size WLL (lbs) Feet Per
Feet Per
Half Drum
Lbs. Per
Material Size
Inside Length
Inside Width
in mm
9/32 7 3,500 800 400 0.76 0.279 0.827 0.405
5/16 8 4,500 500 250 0.94 0.31 0.945 0.48
3/8 10 7,100 500 250 1.47 0.392 1.182 0.56
1/2 13 12,000 300 150 2.48 0.516 1.535 0.75
5/8 16 18,100 200 - 3.63 0.63 1.89 0.902
3/4 20 28,300 100 - 5.75 0.781 2.42 1.14
7/8 22 34,200 100 - 7.93 0.906 2.66 1.26
1 26 47,700 50 - 10.4 1.032 2.9 1.42
1-1/4 32 72,300 66 - 15.5 1.26 3.78 1.64