UHMPE High Performance Roundslings

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HMPE Round Slings

A high performance roundsling is the tool you need to transform the safety and efficiency of your lifting and rigging application setup.

Made from Ultra High Modulus Polyethylene (UHMPE), these slings are smaller, lighter, and stronger than comparable strength wire rope and polyester options. This has a number of advantages:

  • Reduces risk of worksite injury
  • Improves rigging speed
  • Lowers the number of riggers needed for job completion
  • Easier to transport and store

UHMPE is impervious to most environmental conditions - it won't rot, mildew, or corrode. It has excellent UV-resistance and isn't damaged by many common chemicals.

The sling has a gray double-layer polyester cover that protects the HMPE core fiber from abrasion, dirt, and grime.

UMHPE vs. Polyester

HMPE roundslings have 75% less elongation when compared to polyester roundslings, making them the ideal choice for low headroom applications. For example, a 100 foot HMPE round sling will stretch about a foot, while a 100 foot polyester round sling will stretch around 4-5 feet at rated load.

Temperature Considerations

The allowable temperature range for these slings is -40F/-40C to a maximum of 140F/60C.

It's important to keep in mind that this refers to more than just ambient temperature: frictional heat at connection points, hot surfaces, welding, and more can all create temperatures that can damage your sling.

5:1 Design Factor

The design factor is the ratio between the designated breaking load and the rated load of the sling. These high performance roundslings feature a 5:1 design factor when new and are proof-tested to 200%. 

Increased design factors, such as 7:1 or 10:1, are also available. Please reach out to our sales team to request a custom design factor. 

They also meet ASME B30.9 requirements.

Benefits of the Roundsling Design

The main advantage of endless round slings is the circular construction. Because there are no designated “eyes”, you can adjust the loadbearing points with each use. This decreases the wear and tear and extends the service life.

Sling Storage

Keep your sling in an area that is cool, dark, and away from activities that could cause mechanical or environmental damage.

HMPE Round Sling Inspections

Inspect your high performance round sling before each use, looking for any damage or other issues that would merit removing the sling from service.

ASME B30.9-7 states that a sling must be retired if you find evidence of heat damage, broken or damaged core yarns, missing sling identification, etc.

Visual and tactile inspection techniques are an important part of this process. Feel for anomalies such as bunched or wadded yarn. If there is any doubt, immediately remove the sling from service and consult US Cargo Control for further information.

Do not join or tie your HMPE roundslings using knots. This differs from internal knots used by the manufacturer during the fabrication process.

Sling Repair

These slings are a more cost-effective choice due to their inherent design. The outer jacket can be repaired if the roundsling does not exhibit core yarn damage.

After repair, every roundsling is proof tested to 200% and additionally tagged to document the repair activity. These repairs save you time and money by extending the sling's service life.

Illegible sling identification can also be replaced through re-tagging, allowing you to put it back into service!

Sling Protection

"Slings in contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or abrasive surfaces shall be protected with a material of sufficient strength, thickness, and construction to prevent damage." - ASME B30.9 (2021) 9-5.10.4(d)

Explore our line of sling protection today to find the perfect sleeve or protector for your application.


If you have any questions about our high performance synthetic round slings, give our product experts a call! They’ll be happy to provide additional information, get you a quote, or help you place an order.

We also carry a full line of other kinds of lifting slings, including nylon, polyester, chain, and wire rope.
