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Extend the life of your lifting sling with a protector sleeve. Designed to fortify both sides of your sling, these sleeves are an essential addition to your lifting setup.
The sleeve will fit securely on your sling, and is able to move along the length for easy positioning. This also makes inspections simple, as you can adjust the sleeve quickly to see the sling underneath.
Looking for a sleeve to use long-term on the same sling? Then a sewn sleeve is a good option for you. Both sides are sewn, ensuring a secure fit.
Cordura is a high-strength fabric that will help to protect your sling from wear and tear. It is also abrasion-resistant.
Make sure to inspect your sleeve periodically, including before every use. If you see any signs of damage, including an illegible warning tag, remove it from service immediately.
"Slings in contact with edges, corners, protrusions, or abrasive surfaces shall be protected with a material of sufficient strength, thickness, and construction to prevent damage." - ASME B30.9 (2021) 9-5.10.4(d)
Exactly as described and heavy duty!