KWB Adjustable 3 Leg

5 products

  • 6400 lbs.
    30° Capacity
    9100 lbs.
    45° Capacity
    11200 lbs.
    60° Capacity
    starting at
    Ships FREE today when you order in the next 8 hours 53 minutes.
  • 13200 lbs.
    30° Capacity
    18700 lbs.
    45° Capacity
    22900 lbs.
    60° Capacity
    starting at
    Ships FREE today when you order in the next 8 hours 53 minutes.
  • 22500 lbs.
    30° Capacity
    31800 lbs.
    45° Capacity
    39000 lbs.
    60° Capacity
    starting at
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  • 33900 lbs.
    30° Capacity
    47900 lbs.
    45° Capacity
    58700 lbs.
    60° Capacity
    starting at
  • 53000 lbs.
    30° Capacity
    74900 lbs.
    45° Capacity
    91700 lbs.
    60° Capacity
    starting at

A KWB 3 leg adjustable chain sling has three lengths of chain connected to a master oblong. Compared to standard 3 leg slings, adjustable slings have additional hooks that allows the operator to adjust the length of the chain legs as needed, without compromising working load limit.

3 leg adjustable slings can be used at a 60, 45, or 30-degree angle of lift and WLL ranging from 6,400 lbs. to 91,700 lbs.

KWB adjustable chain slings have a signal violet varnish coat and a heavy powder coating that helps with corrosion resistance. KWB is a Pewag company, a well-respected manufacturer based in Europe. We import and expertly assemble their manufactured chain and end fittings into the high-quality adjustable chain slings you see here.

End Fitting Options

Our 3 KWB leg chain slings with chain shorteners are manufactured with your choice of end fitting on the long leg: sling hook, foundry hook, grab hook, or self-locking hook. However, custom chain slings are our specialty, so please give our sales team a call if you require different hardware.

Sling hook - also known as slip sling hooks, these large throat hooks are commonly used at the ends of chain slings and wire rope. they're typically self-locking to avoid disconnect.

Self-locking hook - these hooks are designed to pivot in the middle and lock when lifting pressure is applied. They cannot be opened while lifted with your overhead lifting chains.

Foundry hook - these are extra-large throat hooks that are used in unique situations that require a larger opening to manage loads.

Grab hook - these chain sling hooks have a small throat that attaches to the chain by slinging over the chain in-between links.

Other 3 Leg Adjustable Sling Options

Crosby"s line of 3 leg adjustable chain slings feature the Crosby Eliminator, a revolutionary adjustable length chain sling fitting that literally eliminates the need for certain components in adjustable slings that have been traditionally required. Other benefits of the Crosby Eliminator include a hinged design that prevents bending against a curved object, plus a wider and longer bail.

Proof Testing

Proof testing has been done on every link of chain to 2.5 times its working load limit. To get your custom chain sling tested at the time of manufacture, it must be requested when the order is placed with our sales specialists. For an additional fee, we will proof test your sling and issue a certificate when requested at the time the order is placed.

All of our chain meets or exceeds the latest guidelines of the National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM), ANSI B30.9 standards and OSHA specifications.

Looking for a standard sling? See our full selection of standard chain slings.
