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High temperature Sparkeater slings are designed to withstand temperatures from -40˚F (-40˚C) to 300˚F (149˚C). This superior thermal durability makes them well-suited for hot environments where wire rope or chain slings are not the right fit.
Like other high performance roundslings, Sparkeater slings are lightweight, making them easier for riggers to handle.
Sparkeaster slings are made from two independent paths of Aramid heat-resistant core yarn with a protective outer jacket. This Nomex® jacket helps to protect the core fibers from damage and is both heat- and flame-resistant.
A remarkable feature of these slings is repairability – if the sling’s jacket is damaged but the core yarn is unharmed, it can probably be repaired and put back into service.
To meet ASME guidelines and further expand the lifespan of your sling, check out our line of sling protection.
Looking for a shackle? Check out our wide body Crosby G-2160 or Van Beest P-6033 shackles. Not sure which shackle size is right for your application? Use our bearing stress calculation guide.